Post Class Notes

for discussion at

S.R.K.R. Engineering College,

Department of Computer Science

13 March 2006

This page contains post-class notes for the interactive session on Solaris 10 at S.R.K.R. Engineering College. This page is a quick summary of the topics discussed and the commands of interest.

How to use JDS

Once you are at the login prompt of Solaris 10, you can choose Options -> Session -> Sun Java Desktop System instead of the default CDE. This will take you to the GNOME desktop and several other goodies that come packaged with Solaris 10.

JDS (Jave Desktop System) comes with StarOffice 7, which can be used to generate .pdf (Acrobat Reader) files for your documents or presentations. You are strongly encouraged to use this software.

How to use Solaris Containers (Zones)

The commands you need to use would be

See the man pages of these commands or refer to Solaris 10 documentation for more details.

How to use truss

You can use truss on a new process by doing
    truss <command> <options_for_command>
For example
    truss echo "hello"

Also, if you need to truss an existing process (that you have permissions for doing a truss on) you can do
    truss -p <pid>
For example
    truss -p 1324

How to use DTrace

It is recommended you practice this command as superuser (root user.)

You can start with
    dtrace -l
to list all the probes possible.

    dtrace -l  | head
to see what each column is for.

See the manpage of dtrace for more details.

The discussion on DTrace will continue is subsequent classes.